Friday, July 23, 2010


Until this week I was under the impression that PowerPoint was a boring and simple tool used to present and show information. I have used PowerPoint throughout my schooling years but hadn't been exposed to anything other than inserting images and text. I believe that many teachers are unaware of how PowerPoint can be used in a range of ways. Extending on the basics of PowerPoint can allow learners to express themselves in original and creative ways. Frame by frame movies can be created, as well as quiz like activities, and a number of other things. I believe that PowerPoint can be an effective way to cater for a range of learners.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


During week 2 we were able to explore how wiki or personal websites could be used within the classroom.

I had never used a wiki before so it was a great opportunity for me to learn how they worked, and what they could be used for. Wikis can be used as a great resource in the classroom- they can allow learners to catch up on lessons, review lessons or publish their own ideas. However anyone can edit wikis which can be of great concern when children are involved. If I was to incorporate the use of wikis into my classroom I would have to approach the situation with extreme caution and care. Learners would have to follow strict guidelines and as a teacher I would have to enforce them strongly by keeping an eye on wiki regularly. My wikispace can be viewed here.

We were also able to develop our own personal website through Weebly. The site was very simple and easy to use. I have started to create my own site Kate eLearning. Personal websites can be used as a highly effective tool in the classroom, without the worry of anyone editing the information. Students can publish their work on the site allowing others to view, and evaluate their work.

We also discussed the strict copyright laws that exist, even on the internet. In becoming a teacher it is important for me to understand what is acceptable and what is not. When using images, music and videos that are not your own original work permission should be obtained and the source acknowledged. When dealing with young learners on a public site it is highly important that take care in what information you put up- especially personal information, such as names, location, etc.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Week 1

My Week 1 blog is a bit overdue, but I think I've finally figured out how to use this blogging site.

Blogging in the Classroom?
Until I started the subject Managing E-Learning I had no experience with blogging, the closest I had been was discussion boards through the university. I had never thought of using online blogging with learners in the classroom until I was shown that blogging can be used as a reflective tool that learners can develop and learn from. This tool can be used as a diary entry to record observations from a science experiment on a regular basis. By having all their information securely stored and sequentially organised it allows for learners to easily reflect and evaluate on their own learning. Blogs are also able to be commented on by peers which allows for collaborative learning and develops higher order thinking. Blogs can be used by a range of learners but may be more difficult with younger learners who have limited typing skills. By completing my own blog throughout the course I will be able to experience first hand how blogging can affect and influence learning.
Although technology has reached amazing levels, I believe many teacher's are oblivious as to how today's technology can enhance learning. I was glad to finish high school a couple years ago, feed up with the amount of OHT's and repetitive resources used. My teachers knew about technology and the internet, yet they did not realise how technology can contribute to learning. In E-Learning we were introduced to the site which allows concept maps to be made electronically. This allows for ideas to easily be modified and altered, as well as saved and printed.

We are surrounded by technology today more than ever, yet many people are not using it to its full potential. Technology and computers are a great way to help support and enhance learning in the classroom.